Saturday, May 31, 2008

Guess who?

Its Maci Jay at 26 weeks at her second photo shoot!
It looks to me like she is smelling her foot!
Here she is pointing too her hand!
This one she started singing to the music that was playing!

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Baby girl has a pretty shiner it is actually looking better here it was worse! Her and Jace were playing and she got knocked down and hit it on a chair! Poor thing!

Breakfast anyone?

On Memorial Day we went out to breakfast it took a while to get are food so we entertained our selves with a photo shoot

Off to First Grade!

My little man is growing up to fast! Jaces teacher put on a great graduation ceremony and we got to say our goodbyes and now hes off to first grade!

Slumber Party!

Kenlee and Sunshine have such a good time together even when they are sleeping!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Mommy and Me!

Kenlee and I had Friday and most of Saturday to our selves while the boys were at Fathers and Sons. We mostly hung out at home and watched some movies we rented. Saturday for lunch Kenlee insisted we have McDonald's. Apparently McDonald's brings out the silly in her! I was a little embarrassed when every one was looking at me because I couldn't stop laughing at the faces she was making!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Baby stillers!

I stole my friend Helen's little girl Olivia while Helen was staying in the hospital with our friend Jane! It was so much fun! Olivia really took to Paul it was so sweet to watch him love on her I am excited to see him with baby Maci! Jace and Kenlee really loved having her around they were both so disappointed when she went home!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sleep Deprived!

My children will sleep any where you would think they were sleep deprived!

Back Yard Shananagins!

On a hot Friday when the kid got home from school we had a little backyard water party! My kids, Aubrey's and a few neighborhood friends came to play! We had water balloons and squirt guns it was a lot of fun!

Student of the Month!

Jace got Student of The Month for April! His teacher said he has improved so much this year and works really hard and tries his best to follow all the rules! This was taken at the school assembly where they announced SOTM. Jace is dressed like this cause assembly days are spirit days. It was Taste the rainbow day if they wore rainbow colors they got skittles most of the kids just got the mini bags but the kids that went all out got big ones! We Are so Proud of You Jace!