Monday, January 14, 2008


Jace is growing up so fast! A while back He lost his first two teeth(The two in front on the bottom). Then his top two started to wiggle the one was more so than the other. Then one day the kids and I were waiting in the car for Paul. Jace started eewing and icking! When I asked what was wrong he said there was blood in his mouth and he was swallowing it. I took a napkin from the glove box and said I would wipe away the ick! I grabbed the tooth with the napkin and yanked it out! Jace didn't even know it was out until he felt the void with his tongue. As you can see he is pretty proud although he had no trouble trading his tooth with the Tooth Fairy for a dollar! He sounds a little funny with his toothless lisp! The other tooth is feeling looser and looser every day so stand by for further notice!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cute little kid! When are you going to post you know what?