Sunday, June 29, 2008

New member of our Family

This is Roxy she came from Utah to live with us! Jace and Kenlee love animals and have been wanting one for a long time! I couldn't handle a dog right now and my sisters cat just happened to have kittens so we decided to give a kitten a try! So far it has been great she is fun to have around and the kids love her! Roxy got her head stuck in this candle stand I was really nervous cause I couldn't get her out and thought I was going to have to call someone to cut it off her! After a few minutes of trying to get her to calm down and turning her every which way I got her out! She doesn't play by it anymore!
Here is her favorite thing to play with as of late! It use to be a decorative wreath but Missi's dog chewed it all up so now we let Roxy play with it!

1 comment:

Missi's Mess said...

You need a better picture of her nails I can barely see them on that last picture.